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*Please read carefully!*

Monthly Subscriptions: Your subscription automatically renews on the 14th of each month. 3, 6, and 12 month prepaid  subscriptions renew on the 14th of the last month of your subscription. If you wish to cancel your subscription, you must do so BEFORE the 15th. You can cancel or skip a month at any time through your account (at the top right of this page). Any cancellations or skipped months that take place on the 14th or after will take effect for the following month's renewal, and no refund will be issued.

Quarterly Subscriptions: Your subscription automatically renews on the 10th of the month before you are set to receive your next box (or the month your subscription ends if you subscribe for multiple months at a time). If you wish to cancel your subscription, you must do so BEFORE the 10th. You can cancel or skip a month at any time through your account (at the top right of this page). Any cancellations or skipped months that take place on the 10th or after will take effect for the following term's renewal, and no refund will be issued.

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